It is recommended that you arrive for the safety meeting and gun check. Set up help is always appreciated. If you will be arriving late, you must find a club Range Officer so they can check your gun and brief you on safety.
There is a fee. . All money goes to the club to keep the range open and operating.
- The first and most important rule that we will strictly enforce is SAFETY.
- You must be legally allowed to handle and shoot a pistol in NY State.
- We operate a cold range. That means no loaded guns anywhere except when you are told to load while on the firing line. No handling of guns at all behind the firing line unless you are at the safe table with a range officer.
- There will be a table as you walk up to the range that is a Safety Table. If you arrive with your gun in a box or rug, you will open and show gun empty, then re-box or holster. No ammunition is allowed at the Safety Table. If you have your gun holstered as you approach the table, call a Range Officer and show that it is unloaded and you can re-holster. THAT IS THE ONLY TIME YOU MAY REMOVE YOUR GUN UNTIL YOU ARE ON THE FIRING LINE.
- One exception to that rule is, if you have a malfunction or need for some reason to do something to your gun, you must notify one of the club Range Officers to use the Safety Table to fix your gun.
- Ammunition and magazine loading can be handled while waiting for your turn to shoot.
- Your score/time is only for yourself to measure your own progress as we continue with this type of shooting.
- If you draw in a fast wild west quick draw and become dangerous, we will correct you to slow down and be safe. If you have to be told more than once, we will have to ask you to leave for being unsafe. We do not want anyone leaving the shoot with more holes in them than what they arrived with.